Learn more about the power of aligning and harnessing the ancient wisdom that lies within your multiple intelligences for living your most authentic life.
mBIT Coach Certification
Become a certified coach in mBIT:
Multiple Brain Integration Techniques
- Abundance Enterprise's mBIT course is certified by the ICF for 30 Continuing Education Units.
- Learn how to communicate with each of your three brains (head, heart and gut).
- Develop powerful strategies to align your deepest wisdom from each brain for success.
- Gain the innate ability to balance your nervous system, reduce stress, and make highly intuitive decisions.
mBIT Coaching Events 2025:
DATE: February 19-22, 2025
Location: Austin, Texas
DATE: June 25-28, 2025
Location: Napa, California
Earn 30 ICF CEU's With Our mBit Course!
Abundance Enterprise is certified to award 30 ICF Continuing Education Units for this mBIT Coach Certification Training. Please click below to download your course description. Abundance Enterprise's mBIT course and Laura Masters are both certified by the ICF.
Download Course Description

mBraining - Your Multiple Intelligences
Did you know you actually have more than one complex and adaptive neural network or in other words, 'brain,' in your body?

Head Brain
- Cognitive Perception
- Thinking
- Making Meaning

Heart Brain
- Emoting
- Relational Affect
- Values

Gut Brain
- Mobilization
- Self-Preservation
- Core Identity
Laura and Amy discovered mBraining and were certified as mBIT Coaches in 2018. Once they had researched mBIT coaching in depth, they knew that they had found their ideal paragon: a neuroscience-based coaching process that lined up perfectly with their intuition, philosophy and experience.
Laura and Amy are inspired daily by this growing body of knowledge, backed by evidence from many fields of study. Currently, they are certified mBIT Coach Trainers and Master Coaches. They are proud to be part of this dynamic, growing international community and movement.
By aligning and integrating all three brains, YOU can produce amazing results in your life and the lives of those around you!
mBIT Coaching
Amy and Laura are highly trained coaches in the methodology used to communicate, align, and integrate your multiple brains to help you tap into their innate wisdom for better living. Contact us about coaching!
COACH WITH USmBIT Coach Training
Interested in mBraining and/or becoming a certified mBIT Coach? We offer live in-person training courses to coach yourself and/or others using mBIT. Contact us about attending a training!
Contact us to learn more about how mBraining can transform your life!